​Photo credit: Alma

Licensed Mental Health Counseling

"Start therapy right away, before the depression and anxiety of losing your healthy self gets to be too much"   

"You need to learn to stand up for yourself, be your own advocate" 

"When you aren't feeling well, even in remission, slow down and rest.  Don't over do it." 

"Join a support group and find a therapist who understands chronic illness"

~Quotes from people living with Crohn's, Colitis, IBS and other GI diseases when asked what they would tell someone newly diagnosed.

Living with a Chronic Illness?

Are You IBD Smart?

Mental Health Counseling for people with IBD (Crohn's and Colitis), IBS or other chronic illness/disease.

Whether you are newly diagnosed or have lived with your chronic illness for years, you know you face issues beyond your physical health.  Anxiety, depression and feelings of isolation are common.  Grieving the loss of your "healthy self" and adjusting to a new lifestyle can be frustrating and overwhelming.  
Maybe you have tried therapy before and couldn't find a therapist who "got it".  Try a therapist who does.

I get it because I've got it..

I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and live with Inflammatory  Bowel Disease. 
I understand the unique mental health needs of  being diagnosed and living with a chronic GI disease.  It is life changing and affects all aspects of your daily life, as well as your future plans.  But you are not alone, you will become aware that  you are stronger than you ever thought possible.  I am here to help realize that you can achieve all your goals and not just cope with IBD or IBS but thrive!
 I know sometimes a flare can come on quickly and when you least expect it, instead of being charged for a missed session we can do virtual Telehealth  so you are able to stay in the comfort of your own home.  This options are available for people living outside the NYC area, you are not limited by your disease or location when you become IBD Smart.